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Variation of Parameters Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Sofia Smith (Solvelet student)
Solve the differential equation yy=exy'' - y = e^x using the method of variation of parameters.


To solve the differential equation yy=exy'' - y = e^x using the method of variation of parameters: 1. **Solve the homogeneous equation yy=0y'' - y = 0:** r21=0    r=±1. r^2 - 1 = 0 \implies r = \pm 1. The general solution to the homogeneous equation is: yh=c1ex+c2ex. y_h = c_1 e^x + c_2 e^{-x}. 2. **Form the particular solution using variation of parameters:** yp=u1(x)ex+u2(x)ex. y_p = u_1(x) e^x + u_2(x) e^{-x}. To find u1u_1 and u2u_2, we solve: u1ex+u2ex=0, u_1' e^x + u_2' e^{-x} = 0, u1exu2ex=ex. u_1' e^x - u_2' e^{-x} = e^x. 3. **Solve for u1u_1' and u2u_2':** u1ex+u2ex=0    u1ex=u2ex    u2=u1e2x. u_1' e^x + u_2' e^{-x} = 0 \implies u_1' e^x = -u_2' e^{-x} \implies u_2' = -u_1' e^{2x}. u1ex(u1e2x)=ex    u1ex+u1e2x=ex    u1(ex+e2x)=ex    u1=exex+e2x. u_1' e^x - (-u_1' e^{2x}) = e^x \implies u_1' e^x + u_1' e^{2x} = e^x \implies u_1'(e^x + e^{2x}) = e^x \implies u_1' = \frac{e^x}{e^x + e^{2x}}. u1=11+ex    u1=11+exdx. u_1' = \frac{1}{1 + e^x} \implies u_1 = \int \frac{1}{1 + e^x} dx. Using integration, we find: u1=ln1+ex+C. u_1 = \ln|1 + e^x| + C. 4. **Substitute back to find u2u_2:** u2=u1e2x=e2x1+ex. u_2' = -u_1' e^{2x} = -\frac{e^{2x}}{1 + e^x}. u2=e2x1+exdx. u_2 = \int -\frac{e^{2x}}{1 + e^x} dx. 5. **Solve the integrals and combine the solutions:** yp=u1(x)ex+u2(x)ex. y_p = u_1(x) e^x + u_2(x) e^{-x}. 6. **Result:** The general solution is: y=yh+yp=c1ex+c2ex+(particular solution). y = y_h + y_p = c_1 e^x + c_2 e^{-x} + \text{(particular solution)}. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionThe method of version of parameters is a way for finding particular solutions of non-homogeneous differential equations. This methods consists in the use of the solutions of the corresponding homogeneous equation to build the specific solution. as an example, in y′′+p(​x)y′+q(​x)y=g(​x), the particular solution yp​(x) represents what difference is needed from the complementary solution.
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