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Tabular integration Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by James Anderson (Solvelet student)
Evaluate the integral x2exdx\int x^2 e^x \, dx using tabular integration.


To evaluate the integral x2exdx\int x^2 e^x \, dx using tabular integration: 1. **Setup the table:** \begin{tabular}{c|c} x2exdx\int x^2 e^x \, dx & \\ \hline ddx\frac{d}{dx} & exdx\int e^x \, dx \\ \hline x2x^2 & exe^x \\ 2x2x & exe^x \\ 22 & exe^x \\ 00 & \end{tabular} 2. **Form the integral:** x2exdx=x2ex2xexdx. \int x^2 e^x \, dx = x^2 e^x - \int 2x e^x \, dx. 3. **Apply tabular integration again:** 2xexdx=2xex2exdx. \int 2x e^x \, dx = 2x e^x - \int 2 e^x \, dx. 4. **Combine the results:** x2exdx=x2ex(2xex2ex)=x2ex2xex+2ex. \int x^2 e^x \, dx = x^2 e^x - (2x e^x - 2e^x) = x^2 e^x - 2x e^x + 2e^x. 5. **Result:** The integral x2exdx\int x^2 e^x \, dx is: x2ex2xex+2ex+C. x^2 e^x - 2x e^x + 2e^x + C. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionTabular integration is an integration by parts method that specifically works well with products of functions (instead of the generic integration by parts), and is especially useful with repeated integration by parts. It contains the process in a table form. Ex: How to integrate ∫xexdx using tabular integration by writing a table of the derivatives of x and the integrals of ex.
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