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Surface Area Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Madison Jones (Solvelet student)
Find the surface area of a cylinder with radius r=3r = 3 and height h=5h = 5.


To find the surface area of a cylinder with radius r=3r = 3 and height h=5h = 5: 1. **Formula for the surface area of a cylinder:** A=2πr(r+h). A = 2\pi r (r + h). 2. **Substitute the given values:** A=2π(3)(3+5)=2π(3)(8)=48π. A = 2\pi (3) (3 + 5) = 2\pi (3) (8) = 48\pi. 3. **Result:** The surface area of the cylinder is 48π150.848\pi \approx 150.8. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionThe surface area will generally refer to the total area of the surface of any three-dimensional object. There are specific formulas for different shapes to find the surface area. For example, the surface area of a sphere of radius r is 4πr2. Practice Surface Area problems with SolveletAI advanced step-by-step approach to get rid of Solutionerrorpub.deepcopy(error) in python. Instantly generated, Surface Area calculator problem with explanations.
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