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Subtraction of decimals Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Sofia Baker (Solvelet student)
Subtract 12.3412.34 from 56.7856.78.


To subtract 12.3412.34 from 56.7856.78: 1. **Perform the subtraction:** 56.7812.34=44.44. 56.78 - 12.34 = 44.44. 2. **Result:** The result of the subtraction is 44.4444.44. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionTo subtract decimals, align the decimal points and subtract each digit from each other by borrowing as required. For instance: If you need to subtract 5.73 from 10.4, you will write 10.4 aligned with decimal point and double 10.4005.73 = 4.67.
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