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Stability and Phase Plane Analysis Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Sofia Thomas (Solvelet student)
Determine the stability of the equilibrium point for the system: {x˙=xyy˙=x+y \begin{cases} \dot{x} = x - y \\ \dot{y} = x + y \end{cases}


To determine the stability of the equilibrium point for the system: {x˙=xyy˙=x+y \begin{cases} \dot{x} = x - y \\ \dot{y} = x + y \end{cases} 1. **Find the Jacobian matrix:** J=(1111). J = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & -1 \\ 1 & 1 \end{pmatrix}. 2. **Find the eigenvalues of JJ:** det(JλI)=1λ111λ=(1λ)2+1=0. \det(J - \lambda I) = \begin{vmatrix} 1 - \lambda & -1 \\ 1 & 1 - \lambda \end{vmatrix} = (1 - \lambda)^2 + 1 = 0. λ22λ+2=0. \lambda^2 - 2\lambda + 2 = 0. λ=1±i. \lambda = 1 \pm i. 3. **Determine the stability:** Since the real part of the eigenvalues is positive ((λ)=1\Re(\lambda) = 1), the equilibrium point (0,0)(0,0) is unstable. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionStability/phase plane analysis is concerned with studying the behavior of dynamical systems by graphical means. Stability analysis studies behaviour of the system given small perturbation and phase plane analysis represents actual path followed by the system in state space. Example: Phase Plane of a Nonlinear System dtdx​=y,dtdy​=−x+x2−y to Determine System Stability and Behavior
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