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Spring-Mass Systems Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Aria Davis (Solvelet student)
Solve the differential equation for a spring-mass system: md2xdt2+kx=0m \frac{d^2x}{dt^2} + kx = 0.


To solve the differential equation for a spring-mass system md2xdt2+kx=0m \frac{d^2x}{dt^2} + kx = 0: 1. **Rewrite the equation:** d2xdt2+kmx=0. \frac{d^2x}{dt^2} + \frac{k}{m}x = 0. 2. **Find the characteristic equation:** r2+km=0. r^2 + \frac{k}{m} = 0. 3. **Solve the characteristic equation:** r=±ikm. r = \pm i\sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}. 4. **General solution:** x(t)=c1cos(kmt)+c2sin(kmt), x(t) = c_1 \cos\left(\sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} t\right) + c_2 \sin\left(\sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} t\right), where c1c_1 and c2c_2 are arbitrary constants. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionSpring-mass systems are a common form of such mechanical vibrations or mechanical oscillations systems because they obey Hooke's Law and Newton's Second Law. The equation for the system is mdt2d2x​+kx=0 where m is mass and k is the spring constant. Example: Consider a mass-spring system with m=1 kg, k=4 N/m: will oscillate with T=2πm/k​.
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