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Rationals and irrationals Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Michael Nelson (Solvelet student)
Determine whether the number 2\sqrt{2} is rational or irrational.


To determine whether 2\sqrt{2} is rational or irrational: 1. **Assume that 2\sqrt{2} is rational.** 2=pq, \sqrt{2} = \frac{p}{q}, where pp and qq are coprime integers (i.e., their greatest common divisor is 1). 2. **Square both sides of the equation:** 2=p2q22q2=p2. 2 = \frac{p^2}{q^2} \quad \Rightarrow \quad 2q^2 = p^2. 3. **Since p2p^2 is even (because it equals 2q22q^2), pp must also be even.** Let p=2kp = 2k for some integer kk. 4. **Substitute p=2kp = 2k into the equation:** 2q2=(2k)22q2=4k2q2=2k2. 2q^2 = (2k)^2 \quad \Rightarrow \quad 2q^2 = 4k^2 \quad \Rightarrow \quad q^2 = 2k^2. 5. **Since q2q^2 is even, qq must also be even.** This leads to a contradiction because both pp and qq being even implies they have a common factor of 2, contradicting the assumption that they are coprime. Hence, 2\sqrt{2} is irrational. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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