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Rates and Ratios Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Aiden Green (Solvelet student)
If a car travels 150 miles in 3 hours, what is its average speed in miles per hour?


To find the average speed of the car: 1. **Use the formula for average speed:** Average speed=Total distanceTotal time. \text{Average speed} = \frac{\text{Total distance}}{\text{Total time}}. 2. **Substitute the given values:** Average speed=150 miles3 hours=50 miles per hour. \text{Average speed} = \frac{150 \text{ miles}}{3 \text{ hours}} = 50 \text{ miles per hour}. Therefore, the average speed of the car is 50 miles per hour. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionRates are the type of ratio that compares two quantities with different units, for example, rates are like miles/hour. A ratio is where we COMPARE two quantities with the same unit and the RATIO is the relationship between the two quantities. Rate: 60 mph Ratio: 3:2, which says that there are 3 units of the first quantity for every 2 units of the second quantity.
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