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Quotient of powers Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Aiden Johnson (Solvelet student)
Simplify the expression: xmxn \frac{{x^m}}{{x^n}} , where m m and n n are integers.


To simplify the expression xmxn \frac{{x^m}}{{x^n}} : 1. Use the properties of exponents: xmxn=xmn. \frac{{x^m}}{{x^n}} = x^{m - n}. Therefore, xmxn=xmn \frac{{x^m}}{{x^n}} = x^{m - n} . Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionThe Quotient of Powers Rule: states when you divide two expression with an equal base you subtract the exponents. Anam​=am−n (in math): Example: 2325​=25−3=22=4.
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