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Polar Equations Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Camila Ramirez (Solvelet student)
Convert the polar equation r=2cos(θ) r = 2\cos(\theta) to rectangular form.


To convert the polar equation r=2cos(θ) r = 2\cos(\theta) to rectangular form: 1. Use the conversion formulas: r=x2+y2,x=rcos(θ),y=rsin(θ). r = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}, \quad x = r \cos(\theta), \quad y = r \sin(\theta). 2. Substitute r=2cos(θ) r = 2\cos(\theta) into the conversion formulas: x2+y2=2cos(θ),x=2cos(θ)cos(θ),y=2cos(θ)sin(θ). \sqrt{x^2 + y^2} = 2\cos(\theta), \quad x = 2\cos(\theta) \cos(\theta), \quad y = 2\cos(\theta) \sin(\theta). 3. Simplify the expressions: x=2cos2(θ),y=2sin(θ)cos(θ). x = 2\cos^2(\theta), \quad y = 2\sin(\theta)\cos(\theta). Therefore, the rectangular form of the polar equation is x=2cos2(θ) x = 2\cos^2(\theta) and y=2sin(θ)cos(θ) y = 2\sin(\theta)\cos(\theta) . Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionPolar equations are equations that express the relationship between the radial distance r and the angle θ in polar coordinates. They are used to describe curves in the polar coordinate system. Example: The polar equation r=1+cos(θ) represents a limaçon with an inner loop.
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