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Place Value Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Mila Hernandez (Solvelet student)
Determine the place value of the digit 7 7 in the number 573.891 573.891 .


To determine the place value of the digit 7 7 in the number 573.891 573.891 : 1. Identify the position of the digit: - The digit 7 7 is in the hundreds place. Therefore, the place value of the digit 7 7 is 700 700 . Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionPlace value is the value of the position of the digit in a number. The tenth place in decimal number system For example, in the number 345, 5 is at ones place so place value of 5 is 5, 4 is at tens place so place value of 4 is 40 and 3 is at hundredth place so place value of 3 is 300
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