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Number Sense Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Mason Garcia (Solvelet student)
Estimate the value of 50 \sqrt{50} using number sense.


To estimate the value of 50 \sqrt{50} using number sense, follow these steps: 1. Identify perfect squares close to 50: 49=72and64=82. 49 = 7^2 \quad \text{and} \quad 64 = 8^2. 2. Since 50 50 is closer to 49 49 , we can start with 507 \sqrt{50} \approx 7 . 3. Refine the estimate using the average of the perfect squares: 507+50492×7=7+1147+0.071=7.071. \sqrt{50} \approx 7 + \frac{50 - 49}{2 \times 7} = 7 + \frac{1}{14} \approx 7 + 0.071 = 7.071. Therefore, the estimated value of 50 \sqrt{50} is approximately 7.071 7.071 . Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionNumber sense means that you get a feel for numbers, what they mean and what they do when you change them around. It has properties like the power of estimation, the logic to find reasons, thoughts and patterns related to numbers. Example:Knowing that 49 is near 50, so 49​ is near 7 (number sense)
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