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Linear Equations Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Eleanor Nelson (Solvelet student)
Solve the system of linear equations: {2x+3y=54xy=11 \begin{cases} 2x + 3y = 5 \\ 4x - y = 11 \end{cases}


To solve the system of linear equations: {2x+3y=54xy=11 \begin{cases} 2x + 3y = 5 \\ 4x - y = 11 \end{cases} we use the substitution or elimination method. Here, we use the elimination method. First, multiply the second equation by 3 to align the coefficients of y y : 3(4xy)=3(11) 3(4x - y) = 3(11) 12x3y=33 12x - 3y = 33 Now, add this equation to the first equation to eliminate y y : (2x+3y)+(12x3y)=5+33 (2x + 3y) + (12x - 3y) = 5 + 33 14x=38 14x = 38 Solve for x x : x=3814=197 x = \frac{38}{14} = \frac{19}{7} Substitute x=197 x = \frac{19}{7} back into the first equation to find y y : 2(197)+3y=5 2\left( \frac{19}{7} \right) + 3y = 5 387+3y=5 \frac{38}{7} + 3y = 5 3y=5387=357387=37 3y = 5 - \frac{38}{7} = \frac{35}{7} - \frac{38}{7} = -\frac{3}{7} y=17 y = -\frac{1}{7} Therefore, the solution to the system is: (197,17) \left( \frac{19}{7}, -\frac{1}{7} \right) Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionLinear equations are the algebraic equations consisting of either a constant or a single variable, or a constant and the product of a single variable. This could be written in the form of ax+b=0, where a and b are constants. The graph of a line represents a solution to linear equation. - 2x+3=7 - This is a type of linear equation - Solve to get x=2.
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