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Integrals of Exponential Functions Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Liam Gonzalez (Solvelet student)
Evaluate the integral exdx \int e^x \, dx .


To evaluate the integral exdx \int e^x \, dx : Since the integrand is an exponential function, its integral is the same exponential function: exdx=ex+C \int e^x \, dx = e^x + C Therefore, the integral exdx \int e^x \, dx is: exdx=ex+C \int e^x \, dx = e^x + C Where C C is the constant of integration. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionIntegrals of some exponential functions involve the integral of of functions of the form eax or ax. Integrals are mostly reduced to solving integrals of exponential functions. Numerous in nature and widely employed in differential equations, growth, decay, mathematical modeling of complex system in various fields of scientific research. For example, the integral ∫eaxdx=a​1eax+C where C is the constant of integration.
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