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Integrals of Constant Functions Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Abigail Anderson (Solvelet student)
Evaluate the integral 5dx \int 5 \, dx .


To evaluate the integral 5dx \int 5 \, dx : Since the integrand is a constant function, its integral is simply the constant times the variable: 5dx=5x+C \int 5 \, dx = 5x + C Therefore, the integral 5dx \int 5 \, dx is: 5dx=5x+C \int 5 \, dx = 5x + C Where C C is the constant of integration. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionIntegrals from constant functions require the antiderivative of the constant function on any interval. The definite integral of the constant c over the interval [a,b] is just the product of the constant and the length of the interval. This integral can be visualized as the area of a rectangle whose sides measure components c and interval [a,b], respectively. Question 1 The integral ∫ab​cdx=c(b−a) represents the area that a constant function c would have under the function f(x)=c for the interval x=a to x=b.
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