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Hypothesis Testing Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Michael Thompson (Solvelet student)
Perform a hypothesis test at the 5% significance level to determine if the mean of a population is different from 50, given a sample mean of 52, a sample standard deviation of 4, and a sample size of 30.


To perform a hypothesis test at the 5% significance level to determine if the mean of a population is different from 50: First, state the null and alternative hypotheses: H0:μ=50 H_0: \mu = 50 H1:μ50 H_1: \mu \neq 50 Given: - Sample mean (xˉ \bar{x} ) = 52 - Sample standard deviation (s s ) = 4 - Sample size (n n ) = 30 Calculate the test statistic using the formula for the t-test: t=xˉμs/n t = \frac{\bar{x} - \mu}{s / \sqrt{n}} t=52504/30 t = \frac{52 - 50}{4 / \sqrt{30}} t=24/30 t = \frac{2}{4 / \sqrt{30}} t=2304 t = \frac{2 \sqrt{30}}{4} t=302 t = \frac{\sqrt{30}}{2} t5.4772 t \approx \frac{5.477}{2} t2.7385 t \approx 2.7385 Determine the critical t-value for a two-tailed test at the 5% significance level with n1 n - 1 degrees of freedom: α=0.05 \alpha = 0.05 Degrees of freedom=301=29 \text{Degrees of freedom} = 30 - 1 = 29 Using a t-table or calculator, the critical t-value is approximately: tα/2,292.045 t_{\alpha/2, 29} \approx 2.045 Compare the test statistic to the critical t-value: t=2.7385 |t| = 2.7385 tcritical=2.045 t_{\text{critical}} = 2.045 Since t>tcritical |t| > t_{\text{critical}} , we reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, there is sufficient evidence at the 5% significance level to conclude that the mean of the population is different from 50. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionHypothesis Testing is a statistical method to make an inference or conclusion about the population on the basis of the sample data. This entails creating a null (H0) and an alternative (H1) hypothesis and using sample data to see if we have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Hypothesis testing is one of the most important tools in scientific research (corresponding to the behavioural attainment of intelligent beings which are learned from observations as well as that of the practice of a design procedure), business decision making, and control the quality of products. Example: if to check the effectiveness of a new drug researchers state H0: Drug has no effect, and H1: Drug has an effect After that, the data is analyzed by means of a statistical test, t-test or chi-square test, and a decision is made.
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