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Hyperbolic Equations Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Noah Young (Solvelet student)
Solve the hyperbolic equation sinh(x)=1 \sinh(x) = 1 .


To solve the hyperbolic equation sinh(x)=1 \sinh(x) = 1 : The hyperbolic sine function is defined as: sinh(x)=exex2 \sinh(x) = \frac{e^x - e^{-x}}{2} Set this equal to 1: exex2=1 \frac{e^x - e^{-x}}{2} = 1 Multiply both sides by 2: exex=2 e^x - e^{-x} = 2 Let y=ex y = e^x . Then ex=1y e^{-x} = \frac{1}{y} , so: y1y=2 y - \frac{1}{y} = 2 Multiply both sides by y y : y21=2y y^2 - 1 = 2y y22y1=0 y^2 - 2y - 1 = 0 Solve this quadratic equation using the quadratic formula y=b±b24ac2a y = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} : y=2±4+42 y = \frac{2 \pm \sqrt{4 + 4}}{2} y=2±82 y = \frac{2 \pm \sqrt{8}}{2} y=1±2 y = 1 \pm \sqrt{2} Since y=ex y = e^x and y y must be positive: y=1+2 y = 1 + \sqrt{2} Thus: ex=1+2 e^x = 1 + \sqrt{2} Taking the natural logarithm of both sides: x=ln(1+2) x = \ln(1 + \sqrt{2}) Therefore, the solution to the hyperbolic equation sinh(x)=1 \sinh(x) = 1 is: x=ln(1+2) x = \ln(1 + \sqrt{2}) Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionHyperbolic equations are a class of partial differential equations (PDEs) that have the properties of describing wave propagation and signal transmission. A key feature is that they come in a certain form that includes second-order derivatives, and their solutions look distinctly wavelike. Hyperbolic equations are used in physics, engineering, and other fields to model phenomena like sound waves, electromagnetic waves, and fluid dynamics. For example, the wave equation ∂t2∂2u​=c2∇2u is a hyperbolic model for the wave-like propagation of waves in as to what medium, where u is the wave function and c is the speed of the waves.
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