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Fourier Transform of Impulses Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Michael Robinson (Solvelet student)
Find the Fourier transform of the impulse function δ(x) \delta(x) .


The Fourier transform of the impulse function δ(x) \delta(x) is given by: F[δ(x)]=1. \mathcal{F}[\delta(x)] = 1. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionThe Fourier transform of impulses is a property of the Fourier transform that includes the transform of a Dirac delta function into a constant in the frequency domain. This property says that the Fourier transform of a Dirac delta function is a constant function, which means that a delta function includes all the frequencies at the same strength. The Fourier transform of impulses is used in the analysis of signals using signal processing, communication systems, and in physics to analyze linear systems and convolutions. For instance, the Fourier transform of the Dirac delta function δ(t) is F{δ(t)}=1, where F{⋅} stands for the Fourier transform operation.
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