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Finite Element Methods Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Levi Walker (Solvelet student)
Explain the concept of finite element methods.


Finite element methods (FEM) are numerical techniques used for solving differential equations by dividing the domain into smaller, simpler elements. Here's a brief explanation of how FEM works: 1. Discretization: The domain of the problem is divided into a finite number of smaller elements, often triangles or quadrilaterals in two dimensions and tetrahedra or hexahedra in three dimensions. These elements cover the entire domain and form a mesh. 2. Approximation: Within each element, the solution is approximated using simple functions known as basis functions or shape functions. These functions are typically piecewise polynomial and defined over the entire domain. 3. Assembly: The equations governing the behavior of each element are combined to form a global system of equations that represents the entire domain. This process involves assembling the element equations into a global stiffness matrix and load vector. 4. Solution: The global system of equations is solved using numerical methods, often iterative techniques or direct solvers. 5. Post-processing: Once the solution is obtained, it can be post-processed to compute quantities of interest, such as stresses, strains, or displacements, at specific points within the domain. Finite element methods are widely used in various fields of engineering and physics to solve a wide range of problems, including structural analysis, heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and electromagnetics. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionThe finite element method is a numerical technique for approximating solutions of boundary value problems for partial differential equations by discretizing the domain and performing calculations on the nodes of an appropriate mesh of the domain. The finite element method changes differential equations to algebraic equations, which can then be solved by linear algebra methods. These are the methods used in engineering, physics, structural analysis, elasticity and fluid dynamics problems, physical simulation etc. e.g.: Using a technology such as finite element analysis, one can slice up a mechanical structure into tiny little regions and solve the equilibrium equations in each of these tiny little regions to obtain the stress distribution etc.
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