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Exponents Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Levi Clark (Solvelet student)
Evaluate 53 5^3 .


To evaluate 53 5^3 , simply calculate: 53=5×5×5=125. 5^3 = 5 \times 5 \times 5 = 125. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionExponents describe the repeated multiplication of the number or expression by itself. Essentially, an exponent says how many times the base is being multiplied by itself, and it is written on the right and above the base number. In contrast to most other numbers’ properties, where a basic example is enough for a description , exponents have an added layer to them – the signs of the exponents, as well as the factoring of exponents. In terms of algebra, Calculus, and mathematical modeling, exponents are significant since they are used to describe quantities multiplicative by themselves with a specified number of factors. For example: 23, where 2 is the base and 3 is the exponent, thus meaning that 2 is multiplied three times by itself – 2×2×2=8.
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