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Exponents and Radicals Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Ava Jones (Solvelet student)
Express x63 \sqrt[3]{x^6} using exponents.


To express x63 \sqrt[3]{x^6} using exponents: x63=(x6)13=x6×13=x2. \sqrt[3]{x^6} = (x^6)^{\frac{1}{3}} = x^{6 \times \frac{1}{3}} = x^2. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionAn exponentiation is just a call to the nth power of a number expression x and a radical to refer to a radical expression of the nth root of a number. Think of exponents as a form of repeated multiplication, where as radicals can be thought of as the inverse of taking a root. Exponents and radicals follow rules, such as the rules of the product, quotient, power, and properties of roots. They are used in algebra, calculus, mathematical modeling to denote quantities such as area, volume, and the change rate. Example: Another number is 38​ because 2×2×2 equals 8. Read & Practice Exponents and Radicals concepts with advanced step-by-step solutions which assist in developing your profound understanding of Exponents and Radicals concepts.
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