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Exponential Functions Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Levi Hernandez (Solvelet student)
Given the function f(x)=ex f(x) = e^x , find the value of f(2) f(2) .


To find the value of f(2) f(2) for the function f(x)=ex f(x) = e^x : f(2)=e2. f(2) = e^2. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionAn exponential function is a mathematical function in the form f(x) = a⋅b^(x), where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are constants, and ‘x’ is the independent function. However, exponential functions are the only functions to model the exponential growth or decay, where the differential change in a function is proportional to the function itself. They arise in a range of applications such as population growth, radioactivity, compound interest, radioactive decay, as well as the growth and decay of bacterial cultures. Indeed, the function f(x)=2x is an exponential function, and such functions differ from non-exponential functions since their x’s are in the exponents, as a function that models the exponential growth is in the form of the product with equal factors; that is, the number of units increase with each new unit used to produce more units.
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