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Exponential Equations Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Sofia Miller (Solvelet student)
Solve the exponential equation 3x=81 3^x = 81 .


To solve the exponential equation 3x=81 3^x = 81 , rewrite 81 as a power of 3: 3x=34. 3^x = 3^4. Since the bases are the same, the exponents must be equal: x=4. x = 4. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionDefinition: Exponential equations are those equations in which the variable occurs as an exponent. Exponential equations can be linear or nonlinear, and can contain one or more exponential terms. To solve exponential equations you may need to u se some properties of logs and these kinds of properties to isolate the exponential term, but then you just treat it like any other algebraic problem; you can solve by any method such as factoring or by completing the square. If you are a math student, exponential equations come up in math all the time, as well as in physics, biology, economics, where they are used as models of growth, decay, population dynamics, and compound interest. Example- 2x=16 is an exponential equation, which can be solved as: Divide on both sides by 2, x=log2​16(Hence x=4
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