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Exponent Properties Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Sophia Harris (Solvelet student)
Simplify the expression (23)4 (2^3)^4 using exponent properties.


To simplify the expression (23)4 (2^3)^4 using exponent properties: (23)4=234=212. (2^3)^4 = 2^{3 \cdot 4} = 2^{12}. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionExponent properties, or laws, are rules that define how to manipulate and simplify expressions with exponents or powers The product rule, quotient rule, power rule, zero exponent rule and negative exponent rule are all exponent properties. These properties enable easy manipulation of expressions, one variable division in powers, and a solving of exponential equations. Algebra, Calculus, and Mathematical Modeling with Exponent Properties
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