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Differentiation Rules Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Evelyn Nelson (Solvelet student)
State the product rule for differentiation.


The product rule for differentiation states that if u(x) u(x) and v(x) v(x) are differentiable functions of x x , then the derivative of their product is given by: ddx(u(x)v(x))=u(x)v(x)+u(x)v(x). \frac{d}{dx} (u(x) v(x)) = u'(x) v(x) + u(x) v'(x). Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionThe rules of differentiation are a set of formulas or techniques used to find the derivative of a function in a very efficient and systematic way. Some rules are for whole function that are simple and general like the power rule while other rules are more specific and depend on some component of given function, such as the product rule or chain rule, or are a template for common function, as in the standard rule for the trigonometric functions and so on. These rules allow to separating the derivation of complex functions into elements and adding those with well-known derivative formulas. Derivative Defintions are the basic illustration of calculus, mathematical analysis, and scientific computing intended for computing derivatives and for solving optimization and modeling problems. For instance, the derivative of a product of two functions u(x) and v(x) is calculated using the product rule: (uv)′ = u′v + uv′ where u′ and v′ are the slop important of u and v with respect to x,
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