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Differential Equations Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Mateo Flores (Solvelet student)
Solve the differential equation dydx=2x \frac{dy}{dx} = 2x .


Step 1: Write the given differential equation: dydx=2x \frac{dy}{dx} = 2x . Step 2: Integrate both sides with respect to x x : dydxdx=2xdx. \int \frac{dy}{dx} \, dx = \int 2x \, dx. Step 3: Perform the integration: y=x2+C, y = x^2 + C, where C C is the constant of integration. Step 4: Conclusion. The general solution to the differential equation dydx=2x \frac{dy}{dx} = 2x is y=x2+C y = x^2 + C , where C C is any constant. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionIntroduction to differential equations - Differential equations (DE) are mathematical equations that relate a function (unknown function) with its derivatives (known function), typically representing rates of change, growth, or decay in physical and natural phenomena. The types of differential equations that we will discuss shortly can be classified as ordinary differential equations (ODE) (which contain one independent variable) or partial differential equations (PDE)(which involve more than one independent variable). They are applied in physics, engineering, biology, and economics for modeling dynamical systems, processes and behaviors. The solutions to the differential equations tell us how the systems evolve in time and space. For instance, the differential equation of dx2d2y​+ω2y=0 represents simple harmonic motion, where y = displacement, ω = angular frequency, and x = time.
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