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Derivative Notation Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Samuel Roberts (Solvelet student)
State the Leibniz notation for the derivative of a function y=f(x) y = f(x) .


The Leibniz notation for the derivative of a function y=f(x) y = f(x) with respect to x x is: dydxorf(x). \frac{dy}{dx} \quad \text{or} \quad f'(x). Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionDerivative notation is the standard representation of the rate of change with respect to a function and the corresponding variable. Other popular notations for the derivative include f′(x), dxdy​, dxdf​, Dx​(f), and y˙​, where f(x) indicates the function being differentiated and y represents a dependent variable. In mathematics, especially in calculus and related mathematical analysis, the illegitimate notation with a dot (.) is often used for derivative notation referred to as the derivative or prime mark of a function. Example: f(x)—–derivative—–>f(x)′ ordxdf​ x—→ which means the rate of change of f with respect to x.
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