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Conformal Mapping Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by James Johnson (Solvelet student)
Find the image of the unit circle z=1 |z| = 1 under the conformal map f(z)=z2 f(z) = z^2 .


Step 1: Identify the conformal map f(z)=z2 f(z) = z^2 . Step 2: Represent the unit circle in the complex plane as z=eiθ z = e^{i\theta} , where θ \theta ranges from 0 to 2π 2\pi . Step 3: Apply the map f(z) f(z) to z=eiθ z = e^{i\theta} : f(z)=(eiθ)2=ei(2θ). f(z) = (e^{i\theta})^2 = e^{i(2\theta)}. Step 4: Describe the image under the map. The points ei(2θ) e^{i(2\theta)} still lie on the unit circle w=1 |w| = 1 because the magnitude remains 1. Step 5: Conclusion. The image of the unit circle z=1 |z| = 1 under the map f(z)=z2 f(z) = z^2 is the unit circle w=1 |w| = 1 . Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionConformal mapping is a mapping that preserves angles locally, that is, it keeps the local form of objects in the complex plane. It's a one-to-one mapping, that keeps the angles, but not always the distances. Conformal mappings are used in the complex analysis,fluid dynamics and cartography to represent complex geometries and to solve boundary value problem. They are a versatile tool for representing complex functions and models of the physical world. For example, the mapping w=ez maps straight lines parallel to the real axis in the complex z-plane to concentric circles in the complex w-plane. It also preserves the angles between intersecting curves.
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