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Classification of PDEs Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Levi Clark (Solvelet student)
Classify the partial differential equation uxx+2uxy+uyy=0 u_{xx} + 2u_{xy} + u_{yy} = 0 .


Step 1: Identify the PDE uxx+2uxy+uyy=0 u_{xx} + 2u_{xy} + u_{yy} = 0 . Step 2: Write the PDE in the general form Auxx+2Buxy+Cuyy=0 Au_{xx} + 2Bu_{xy} + Cu_{yy} = 0 : A=1,B=1,C=1. A = 1, \quad B = 1, \quad C = 1. Step 3: Compute the discriminant B2AC B^2 - AC : B2AC=12(1)(1)=11=0. B^2 - AC = 1^2 - (1)(1) = 1 - 1 = 0. Step 4: Classify the PDE based on the discriminant: B2AC=0    Parabolic. B^2 - AC = 0 \implies \text{Parabolic}. Step 5: Conclusion. The PDE uxx+2uxy+uyy=0 u_{xx} + 2u_{xy} + u_{yy} = 0 is parabolic. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionThe classification of PDEs involves identification of the properties of these equations: rank, linearity, order, and coefficients. Based on their characteristics, and on the properties of their solutions, PDEs can be grouped into such types as elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic. Classification of PDEs is helpful to suggest appropriate methods of solution as well as give the physical interpretation of PDEs. PDEs describe the behavior of systems in physics, engineering, and mathematical modeling. Solution: ∂t∂u​=k∇2u (Heat equation) (Parabolic PDE describing the diffusion of heat over time) The parabolic classification of The boundary-value problem indicates that its solutions are governed by initial conditions, as opposed to boundary conditions.
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