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Capacity and Volume Calculator

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Created on 2024-06-20Asked by Camila Lewis (Solvelet student)
Calculate the volume of a cylinder with a radius of 3 units and a height of 5 units.


Step 1: Identify the radius (rr) and height (hh) of the cylinder. The radius is 3 units and the height is 5 units. Step 2: Use the formula for the volume of a cylinder: V=πr2h. V = \pi r^2 h. Step 3: Substitute r=3 r = 3 and h=5 h = 5 into the formula: V=π(3)2(5)=π95=45π cubic units. V = \pi (3)^2 (5) = \pi \cdot 9 \cdot 5 = 45\pi \text{ cubic units}. Step 4: Conclusion. The volume of the cylinder is 45π 45\pi cubic units. Solved on Solvelet with Basic AI Model
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DefinitionMeaning of Capacity and Volume Capacity and volume are terms mostly used for the measurements to describe the amount of space occupied by the three dimensional object. Usually, capacity refers to the ability of a container or vessel to hold a certain volume of liquid or mass, and volume is particularly the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional body. Some examples of engineering, manufacturing, architecture, and fluid mechanics problems which require capacity and volume calculations are designing structures and containers, and calculating the quantities of materials to subsequently store or transfer. Eg: Volume of a cylinder, V = πr2h, where r is the radius, h is the height of the tank
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